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sis_developer_manual [2023/07/17 18:13] – [Database Setup] ghacheysis_developer_manual [2024/12/09 08:45] (current) – [Database Upgrades] ghachey
Line 136: Line 136:
 {{ :sis-developer-manual:database-setup-example-1.png?nolink |}} {{ :sis-developer-manual:database-setup-example-1.png?nolink |}}
 +==== Database Upgrades ====
 +Database upgrades are done using the .NET EntityFrameworkCore migrations. When a new migration is made available typically in the source code you'll need to apply the migration. In production this will usually happen automatically when accessing the application after the successful upgrade. In development, I usually enable (i.e. uncomment) the commented lines below in the file **** and configure it to run the upgrade on the desired tenant (i.e. database).
 +<code csharp>
 +using System;
 +using System.Collections.Generic;
 +using System.Text;
 +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
 +    public class CRMContextMySQL : CRMContext
 +    {
 +        private readonly DbContextOptions? contextOptions;
 +        public CRMContextMySQL() { }
 +        public CRMContextMySQL(DbContextOptions options) : base(options)
 +        {
 +            this.contextOptions = options;
 +        }
 +        protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
 +        {
 +            if (!optionsBuilder.IsConfigured)
 +            {
 +                //var tenant = "opensisv2_ef6";
 +                //string connectionString = $"server=localhost;database={tenant};user=theuser;password=thepassword";
 +                //optionsBuilder.UseMySql(connectionString, ServerVersion.AutoDetect(connectionString));
 +            }
 +        }
 +    }
 +With the above configured the upgrade will run automatically by loading the application. Another way is to open the Package Manager Console within Visual Studio and run something like the following.
 +PM> Update-Database -Project -Context CRMContextMySQL
 +Build started...
 +Build succeeded.
 +Applying migration '20230216092200_AlterStaffSchoolInfoMembershipId'.
 +A developer also suggested another by "hitting the API from postman or swagger" the URL https://localhost:port/{databaseName}/Common/getAllLanguageForLogin (replace the {databaseName} with the local databaseName) to automatically trigger the migration. 
 ==== Building and Running Backend ==== ==== Building and Running Backend ====
Line 150: Line 197:
 > npm install -g @angular/cli > npm install -g @angular/cli
 </code> </code>
 +<note important>While the command above may install a version of Angular that will work fine in your environment, you may have better luck by installing a specific version of Angular as below.
 +> npm install -g @angular/cli@10.0.5
 Browse to the ''Pacific-SIS/UI'' folder and execute the following to install all the dependencies. Browse to the ''Pacific-SIS/UI'' folder and execute the following to install all the dependencies.
Line 187: Line 241:
 +===== Deploying =====
 +The deployment can be done in a number of ways. You can use the deployment tools in both the backend and frontend to package the files for the production server. Below explains how.
 +==== Packaging the Backend ====
 +Simply use the Visual Studio's publish feature. There is a publish "profile" in there that can be use as example. Two  apps need to be deployed on the backend.
 +  * opensisAPI
 +  * opensis.backgroundjob
 +This should look something like this.
 +{{ :sis-developer-manual:pacific-sis-deploy-1.png |}}
 +This will put the packaged files in specific directories on your development computer based on your publish profile.
 +==== Packaging the Frontend ====
 +Navigate to the ''Pacific-SIS/UI'' directory and execute the following command.
 +> ng build
 +This should package all the frontend files in ''Pacific-SIS/UI/dist/vex/''
 +==== Deploying to Production Server ====
 +Is a matter of preference. You could simply copy the files produced in the two previous steps and configure the Apache Server to server them. The database will need to also be deployed. One of the maintainers of the system uses Ansible to automate all of these final deployment tasks.
sis_developer_manual.1689617629.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/17 18:13 by ghachey