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education_survey_tool_android_app_developers_manual [2024/05/08 02:44] – [Pacific EMIS Education Survey Tool Android App Developer Guide] ghacheyeducation_survey_tool_android_app_developers_manual [2024/05/08 02:44] (current) ghachey
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 A work in progress simple guide to get developers ready with writing software for the Education Survey Tool Android app of the Pacific EMIS project. A work in progress simple guide to get developers ready with writing software for the Education Survey Tool Android app of the Pacific EMIS project.
-====== Period vs Create and Edit Timestamps ======+===== Period vs Create and Edit Timestamps =====
 The Period (actually called surveyTag in the software code) is not so much of a date as it is a special "tag" or identifier for the survey. Think of the period and the school name as a combined primary key in database parlance. Since an individual school can have more than one survey over the years, this Period is used to identify a specific survey when combined with the school name. It is set on creation of a new surveys as shown below. It defaults to the day of creation but can be edited as required. The Period (actually called surveyTag in the software code) is not so much of a date as it is a special "tag" or identifier for the survey. Think of the period and the school name as a combined primary key in database parlance. Since an individual school can have more than one survey over the years, this Period is used to identify a specific survey when combined with the school name. It is set on creation of a new surveys as shown below. It defaults to the day of creation but can be edited as required.
education_survey_tool_android_app_developers_manual.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/08 02:44 by ghachey