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Table of Contents
Student Information System User Guide (Classic Version)
School Setup
This section explains how to setup or model your school.
Create a New School
You create a school in School Setup → School → Add a School
as shown below.
Enter the information for your school and click Save
You will then be able to switch between schools (if you are logged with a user with permission to do so) from the top right as shown below.
Once the school is created you will need to setup various things particular to your school which you will do in following sections.
Setup Calendar
Create a calendar for your school in School Setup → Calendars → Create a new calendar
You can create as many different calendars as you want. You could create a calendar specifically for teachers for example but for simplicity's sake one should suffice. Call it Default and check mark Default calendar for this school. Enter the From and To dates, the days of the week and who the calendar will be visible to.
When complete you can see your calendar as shown below. School days will be shown in light blue while non school days in pink. You may have to change the month to a school month to see this.