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Pacific EMIS Data Warehouse

This is the user guide to using the Pacific EMIS Data Warehouse for powerful and flexible data analysis. The data warehouse is a collection of SQL tables and views that the user can connect to using Excel or other Analysis or Statistics software and conduct further analysis on the data. It can be useful to to ad-hoc reporting, custom reports, advanced research all using a single source of truth of high quality data.

Accessing the Data Warehouse with Excel

The tool the most commonly used by people is typically Excel. Here is how to connect to the data warehouse using Excel. Click on Data → From Other Sources as shown below

Microsoft version vary a little so you may have to find the menu item in a slightly different place.

Enter the information to connect to your EMIS. The server address could be something like “” or “,14332” (if you are not on a default SQL Server port). Then enter the credentials. All EMISes should have a dbreadonly user provided to you by your data staff along with a password.

In the next step, make sure you select the correct database (e.g. fedemis, miemis, etc.) as there could be other databases on the server you are connecting to. You will see all views and tables of the database. Focus on the ones with owner “warehouse” as outlined below.

Similarly, the tables with owner “warehouse” more near the bottom of the list.

Let's select the EdLevelER table as shown below as example.

You then need to give the connection a name and feel free to save the password since this is a read only user. Then click on Finish.

Finally, decide how you want to import the data. The default is fine to learn. Then Click Ok.

It will then load the table into Excel for you to further analyse. The whole data table can be reference from the dropdown as outlined below in red and you can rename that to your liking which becomes handy if you start pulling yourself many tables and views.

Notes on documentation of Tables and Views below

There are many tables and views in the data warehouse. Some are more for advanced data analysts, database administrators and developers. Some or more for data managers, IT staff and even management staff. Two types of notes will be used throughout the tables and views documentation below.

The warning note indicating this is for more advanced users
The tip note is is geared towards more other users either providing tips on how to consume the data or pointers in more friendly tables and views.

Notes on School Disaggregations

The Pacific EMIS and therefore the data warehouse offers a very wide range of possible disaggregation. In particular there is one group of disaggregation they will repeatedly come back. Any data that is available by school will also automatically be available to aggregate by all the following:

Included in parenthesis are some other equivalent terms that are used in some countries. The terms below is the “common” term used by the system while in parenthesis are localized terms (known in their respective countries).
  • Local Electorate (Ward in RMI, Region/District/Electoral Division/Zone in FSM, )
  • National Electorate (Constituency in RMI, State in FSM,
  • District (Atoll / Island in RMI, State in FSM, Province in Solomon Islands)
  • Island (Island/Municipality in FSM)
  • Region
  • Authority
  • Authority Type
  • Authority Group (School Type in RMI/FSM)
  • School Type (School Level in RMI/FSM)

So if you are in RMI and want to do an aggregation by what you know as Atoll and Island you would use the data in the District column and aggregate on that. It can be renamed in your own excel or word report and is already renamed for you in the web app and PDF reports.

Note on database and data terminology

When working with data it is hard to avoid technical terminologies completely. Even as a data analysis it will be important to learn some database terminology.

One such important concept is “normalized” vs “denormalized”. Let's explain this in a simple way as these terms are used throughout the following sections while explaining the data in the data warehouse.

Let's use the following example to demonstrate this. We can say that this data is normalized by Gender since there is a Gender column and the gender data itself is also in the rows of data.

Year Education Level Gender Enrolments
2013 ECE Female 909
2013 PRI Female 8985
2013 SEC Female 3383
2013 ECE Male 1028
2013 PRI Male 9610
2013 SEC Male 3505

But the same data could be expressed in another way, by having the data denormalized by Gender. In this following case we have less rows of data and the Male vs Female is expressed with two new columns.

Year Education Level Enrolment Males Enrolment Females
2013 ECE 1028 909
2013 PRI 9610 8985
2013 SEC 3505 3383

In what way the data is expressed often depends on what the user wants to do with it and with what tools. Typically, analysis tools such as Excel pivot tables you would be better off to have it normalized giving you more flexibility in your analysis. You will find data in both format in the warehouse giving advanced users more choice and flexibility.

Data Warehouse Tables and Views

This section provides first minimum of technical background and then detailed information about the data warehouse. Each tables and views are discussed (i.e. what data can be found inside), provides some useful tips on how it could be used and often provides a sample excel workbook with example analysis.

The following subsection are organized by type of data supported by the EMIS (i.e. Enrolments, Flows, Special Education, School Accreditation, etc.) and not in the order in which they come in the warehouse itself.

Tables and Views are–for the purpose of data analysis–the same. Think of them as very well organized excel data tables of consistent data.


The following tables and views provides enrolments data in various aggregations.

View warehouse.EnrolSchoolDimension

A view that provides enrollments, repeaters, transfers in, transfers out, boarders, students with disability, dropouts, pre-school attenders totals and all the available schools disaggregation, Class Level, Age and Gender.

Not necessary all these will be available, it depends on the data you collect.

A sample workbook how this table can be pulled in excel and analysis done in the data is included below.


Table warehouse.EdLevelER

This is similar to the data above in that it contains enrollment data. However, the data is packaged with different aggregations targeted at computing some of the most common key indicators (i.e. NER, GER). In this table we have enrollments, repeaters, intakes and population with the ability to disaggregate by gender and education levels (i.e. ECE, Primary, Secondary).

The table warehouse.EdLevelERDistrict is essentially the same but with the added ability to disaggregate by districts.

The workbook below shows some sample analysis. This workbook does a bit more than simple pivot tables and charts on the data but also computes new data using formulas.


Table warehouse.ClassLevelER

This table is similar to the warehouse.EdLevelER above but instead of prodiving disaggregation by education levels it can disaggregate by class levels (i.e. Grade 1, Grade 2, etc.) which can then be used to produce some other key indicators (i.e. NIR, GIR)

The table warehouse.ClassLevelERDistrict is essentially the same but with the added ability to disaggregate by districts.



Special Education

Table warehouse.Disability

Lowest level table in the warehouse holding disability data down to the school level by class level and gender.

Having the school ID and the SurveyDimensionID an advanced user can further build a table by linking to the warehouse.dimensionSchoolSurvey table with all possible disaggregation supported by the system (e.g. District, Region, Authority, Authority Government, School Type, etc.). This is also provided as example in the sample analysis workbook.

Table warehouse.tableDisability

Similar to warehouse.Disability, this table contains disability information aggregated by Gender, Class Level, District, Authority, School Type.

Use this table if you are after some analysis based on class level (i.e. Grade 1, Grade 2, etc.)

Table warehouse.enrolSpEd

This is the foundation for special education student data. It can be used directly and supports the highest flexibility and disaggregation power.

Mainly this can go down to the individual school level and therefore would be used if this is what is needed. Otherwise, similar slighter higher level versions of this table could be used to do the same (e.g. view warehouse.SpecialEd)

View warehouse.SpecialEd

Similar to table.enrolSpEd with special education data (i.e. Environment, Disability, EnglishLearner, Ethnicity) but it does not disaggregate down to the School level, only by

  • Education Level
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Authority
  • District
  • AuthorityGovt
  • SchoolType
  • Region

Use this view for higher level statistics about special education data across any of the above. For example of how to use this warehouse view refer to the same file attached in warehouse.enrolSpEd

Special Education Sample Analysis Workbook

The following analysis workbook makes use of all the above tables and views and provides some examples of analysis that can be done with the data.


School Accreditation

View warehouse.AccreditationClassic

This view is designed to provide a familiar data format for FSM/RMI. It is similar to the table warehouse.Accreditations but already links with bestSurvey and dimensionSchoolSurvey to provide users everything in a single “table”. With this view users can pull all data for school accreditation like it was in the classic school accreditation analysis spreadsheet, but with the added benefit of more consistent data from the EMIS, historical analysis (not before possible), and more powerful aggregations.

Use this table if you would like to reproduce your legacy analysis workbook. In fact the attached workbook does exactly this.


View warehouse.AccreditationPivot

This view is designed for pivot table use to provide maximum analysis flexibility. It supports:

  • disaggregation by school or key school attributes
  • calculation of percentages and 'nominal' Level at standard and criteria level
  • analysis of results by sub-criteria
  • disaggregation by overall inspection result
  • time series
Use this view for the most powerful analysis of school accreditation data such.

TODO sample spreadsheet.

View warehouse.Accreditation[Aggregation]

Many views are essentially the same but offering different aggregations. For example,

  • warehouse.AccreditationAuthority
  • warehouse.AccreditationAuthorityGovt
  • warehouse.AccreditationAuthorityGovt
  • warehouse.AccreditationDistrict
  • warehouse.AccreditationNation
  • warehouse.AccreditationSchool

All offer the same data but doing the analysis by authority, authority government (public/private), district (Atolls, State, Provinces) and down by individual schools. The data enables analysis at a highest level (i.e. the accreditation status (i.e. Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4)

TODO sample spreadsheet.

Every school accreditation tables and views beyond this point is either used within the more user friendly version above or targeted at very advanced data analyst. They are not required tpo be used by most people as the above can achieve the same analysis more easily.

Advanced Data Warehouse Tables and Views

This section provides details on the remaining tables and views and only recommended reading for the most advanced data analysts and even software developers contributing to this project. The following sub-sections are organized like the previous section but contain the remaining tables most data managers will not require to use directly.


Table warehouse.enrol

Lowest level table in warehouse holding enrolment related data. This covers the “enrolment” data collection in survey forms:

  • enrol
  • repeaters
  • transfers in
  • transfers out
  • boarders
  • disability (aggregated)
  • dropouts
  • preschool attenders (aggregated)

The data is normalized by Gender, separates Estimates and Actuals. The table warehouse.tableEnrol aggregates this data up to District, Authority, SchoolTypeCode and is used as the basis for higher level aggregations of any of these enrolment data items.

Table warehouse.tableEnrol

Same of warehouse.enrol except this table aggregates this data up to District, Authority, SchoolTypeCode and is used as the basis for higher level aggregations of any of these enrolment data items.


Special Education

School Accreditation

Table warehouse.AccreditationDetail

This is one of the core tables to make up the Data Warehouse's School Accreditation data.

It is most often not desirable to consume this table unless you are an advanced user.
If you would like to work with this sort of data refer to the view warehouse.AccreditationPivot discussed above.

View warehouse.AccreditationPerformance

by inspID and rank, shows those criteria scoring in that rank. e.g. the data looks like

InspID Rank [SE.1.1] [SE.1.1_Count]
9876 2 2 1

ie: the count column is 1 when the corresponding criteria score equals the Rank of that record. the score column is the criteria score when that score equals the Rank of that record

Views will combine this with BestInspection to get one inspection per survey per year and use the supplied SurveyDimensionId to aggregate this data.

View warehouse.AccreditationStandard

by inspId and Standard, the calculated Result for that standard.

Table warehouse.Accreditations

This is one of the core tables to make up the Data Warehouse's School Accreditation data.

This is the denormalized view of all the school accreditations by criteria similar to how the excel spreadsheets was organized in the legacy School Accreditation excel workbook analysis tool before the EMIS was used to manage the data.

Note for more advanced data analyst, database administrators and developers. This is equivalent to and generated from pInspectionRead.SchoolAccreditations. A more user friendly version of this is the view warehouse.AccreditationClassic above

Table warehouse.StandardTable

This table is geared towards advanced data people.

Consolidates each standard by result level.

This table is useful for pivot tables, and crossfilters, allowing multiple dimensions to be manipulated interactively

Table warehouse.PerformanceTable

This table is geared towards advanced data people.

Consolidates performance data

This table is useful for pivot tables, and crossfilters, allowing multiple dimensions to be manipulated interactively


Table warehouse.InspectionTable

This table is geared towards advanced data people.

Consolidates the overall result of inspections. Filter on InspectionType to restrict to accreditations

This table is useful for pivot tables, and crossfilters, allowing multiple dimensions to be manipulated interactively

View warehouse.InspectionDistrict

View warehouse.InspectionAuthority

Special Tables

Some tables are “special” in the sense that they don't hold the core data about something but they hold some other important information such as the best possible survey available for each school, the best latest (or best) school inspection. They provide a number of powerful tools to “complete” your data and make it of higher quality. Those tables will be discussed here.

Table warehouse.BestInspection

This table is geared towards advanced data people.
This table is often already linked in derived views with the data in a more easily consumable format.

This table shows, for each survey year, school and inspection type the most recent matching inspection up to that year. This allows aggregations across inspections without duplicating a school. Also makes possible cumulative time-lines on inspections which normally would not necessarily happen every year for every school.

Aggregated tables, then views are built on these foundations. Using SurveyDimensionId from warehouse.BestSurvey allows us to retrieve aggregation dimensions (i.e. District, Authority, etc.) for each school. Use warehouse.BestInspection to ensure that a school represented nomore than once in any aggregation.

Views warehouse.AnyViewNameEndingwithR

There are many views that end with the letter “R”. Those are the same as their counterpart view/table but denormalized also by gender (or some other useful denormalization.) For example, let's look at the view warehouse.EnrolAuthority. It looks like the following. The gender data is normalized, meaning it is in the rows (and not in the columns).

There is another counterpart view that is essentially the same data. The view is called warehouse.EnrolAuthorityR (same as above but with added “R” at the end. It looks like the following image. Note how the gender is now in the column instead of in the rows.

Those views ending with “R” are used mainly for people using band reporting tools such as Crystal Reports or JasperReports while the version without the “R” is more convenient for what is sometimes referred to as cube analysis tools (Excel Pivot tables, Tableau, etc.)
emis_user_manual_data_warehouse.1592965794.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/02 02:10 (external edit)