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EMIS Exams Module Data Loading

test The format is relatively flexible and would likely take the exact same raw data file as given to the classic SOE workbooks used in several north Pacific Island countries (e.g. FSM, RMI). However, it is not the very best way to polish a data file. A nicely formatted excel file for loading data would look at like the following.

Matching exactly the student IDs, student names and teacher names will have the benefit of linking the data with the existing profiles of those users in the system providing the ability to conduct data analysis with other datasets.

The year of the exam should also be included in a second sheet called ExamYear as shown below.

Once loaded into EMIS there is an archive that is kept and can be downloaded as shown below from the List of exams.

emis_exams_module_data_loading.1718673983.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/18 01:26 by ghachey