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Education Survey Tool Android App Systems Administrator Guide

Setting up the Tablet

The tablet can be setup any number of ways to support this app. However, the recommended setup is to have an Owner account first created by the organization's systems administrator. Two different ways here are possible:

  • Using a Google G Suite email account. This is a more advanced corporate setup that enable centralized control of the tablets. This is normally the preferred method but it a bit more involved and your Google G Suite subcriptions may or may not support Device Policy.
  • Using a dedicated system email account. For example, you could create a Gmail account just for this called This is simpler setup but the tablets are not centrally managed and secured.

Then for any school inspector that will be conducting surveys with the app you create a new user with their work email (e.g.

To start with a clean state you should do a Factory Reset of the Android tablet before you create your owner user with admin email.

Before doing the factory reset ensure that there is nothing of value on the tablet such as photos.

Once your tablet is setup in a clean state with your dedicated system admin user by your systems administrator you are ready. From this account the organization's system administrator can do the upgrades manage the tablet.

Install any upgrade of the tablet before proceeding is a good idea.

Installing the app for a new inspector

Let's say you have a new inspector called John Doe that will be tasked with conducting surveys. Get the tablet that the new staff will be using and add his/her user account with their email. Adding a new account in Android can be done like below (or slightly differently if you have a different version of Android).

Drag down the top menu and click on the little user icon.

Click Add User as shown below.

and follow the steps as you would install a normal user using the work email of the new staff.

Then you must install the app for this new user. The app will be shared with the new user by a member of the Pacific EMIS team. You can access it in your Google Drive as shown below.

You need to locate the most recent build-release or the one you are told to install.

Click on the apk file to install it.

You will be prompt to accept installation from unknown sources.

You enable install from unknown source setting.

Then you can proceed with the app installation as shown in following three photos.

Start the Pacific EMIS Education Survey Tool app and give it all permissions requested.

Select the context (name of your EMIS) and proceed.

Click on the link to login with Google account. This will link the new staff email with all the work done in the app and provide an audit trail of all data collected.

The installation and basic setup is complete


There are two ways to configure the app:

  1. Locally by clicking on the settings in the home page. You will need the Master password.
  2. Centralized configuration online using Firebase.

Local Setting, going into Production

Local setting configure a single tablet and app, the one you click on the setting. You use this to make an individual app do into Production. This means all the surveys conducted on the tablet once put into Production will be made available into the Production EMIS of your country.

You do it like this.

Android Centralized Configuration

All other configuration you are better off centrally managing and all your tablets will sync and get the latest configuration. For example, if you want to change the contact person you change it centrally and it gets synced to all tablets. This is done using Firebase, a Google service. Anyone that was given the permission can access it at

For a very brief overview of how to manage the configuration in Firebase refer to Firebase Configuration

You rarely need to change those.


Re-installing app may trigger error

On latest Android you may get an error if you uninstall the app and try to re-install it. This is because of an additional protection in Google Playstore. Here is how to remove error.

First go into the Google Playstore and click on the menu as shown below.

Then click on play protect as shown below.

Then click on the settings button top right as shown below.

Then turn off the scan as shown below.

Cloud Integration with Google Drive (Obsolete?!)

Is this obsolete since switch to google service account?

Currently the documentation for this is minimal and can be found at

education_survey_tool_android_app_systems_administrator_manual.1594275093.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/02 02:10 (external edit)