====== Pacific EMIS Maintenance Plan ======
Like any other system, a good maintenance plan is important to ensure the best possible operations. In order of importance with the first one being the most important.
===== Ensuring Backups are Running =====
The single most important task is to ensure the backups are running. Backups strategies are discussed in the Pacific EMIS Systems Administrator Guide (https://docs.pacific-emis.org/doku.php?id=emis_systems_administrator_manual#backup_and_disaster_recovery)
Backups should be tested (restored) on a regular basis (e.g. every 6 months).
===== Good Data Practices =====
A system is only as good as the data it is being fed. Users are responsible to do the following:
* Yearly data sanity checks (https://docs.pacific-emis.org/doku.php?id=emis_systems_administrator_manual#yearly_quick_sanity_checks)
* Cleanup tasks (https://docs.pacific-emis.org/doku.php?id=emis_systems_administrator_manual#cleanup_the_pacific_emis_cloud_storage)
===== Upgrading =====
Upgrades may become less and less often as the software matures. The process is outlined in the Pacific EMIS Systems Administrator Guide (https://docs.pacific-emis.org/doku.php?id=emis_systems_administrator_manual#upgrade)
===== Migration to other hardware =====
It may happen over time that it is necessary to migrate the system to another hardware (disaster recovery, maintenance of hardware, etc.). For this you may need to do a new deployment. The process is outlined in the Pacific EMIS Systems Administrator Guide (https://docs.pacific-emis.org/doku.php?id=emis_systems_administrator_manual#new_deployment).
If you have virtual machine snapshots you may be able to more simply and quickly migrate to new hardware without having to do a whole new deployment.