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sis_user_manual [2023/05/26 05:43] – [Group Deleting] ghacheysis_user_manual [2024/06/18 03:21] (current) ghachey
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   * **Exam**: Exam option should be checked when you want to take a physical exam at the end of a marking period. Checking the Exam box will allow the teachers and administrators to enter grades manually for this exam.   * **Exam**: Exam option should be checked when you want to take a physical exam at the end of a marking period. Checking the Exam box will allow the teachers and administrators to enter grades manually for this exam.
-<note tip>When you check Graded you will have to enter the grade posting begins and end dates. Those usually will be near the end of the marking period. As a rule of thumb, one could put the grade posting being one week before the end of the marking period and the grade posting end one week after the end of the marking period. Refer to the previous illustration to an example.</note>+<note tip>Not all marking periods will be "Graded"When you check Graded you will have to enter the grade posting begins and end dates. Those usually will be near the end of the marking period. As a rule of thumb, one could put the grade posting being one week before the end of the marking period and the grade posting end one week after the end of the marking period. That is the time frame the system expects and allow inputting grades for that marking period. Refer to some of the previous illustrations to view some examples.</note>
 ===== Calendars ===== ===== Calendars =====
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   * An elementary school creates a small homeroom attendance period to take attendance only one time in the morning. This homeroom period could be 15 minutes. Therefore a full-day would translate to 15 minutes and half-day to 7 minutes.   * An elementary school creates a small homeroom attendance period to take attendance only one time in the morning. This homeroom period could be 15 minutes. Therefore a full-day would translate to 15 minutes and half-day to 7 minutes.
   * A secondary school or any school taking attendance for each periods. Then to get your full-day minutes you would add the total minutes for each period of the day as you configured them in Periods. The half-day could be half those total minutes or you could define them as all the total minutes of the first 4 periods out of a total of 7 periods in the day for example.   * A secondary school or any school taking attendance for each periods. Then to get your full-day minutes you would add the total minutes for each period of the day as you configured them in Periods. The half-day could be half those total minutes or you could define them as all the total minutes of the first 4 periods out of a total of 7 periods in the day for example.
 +==== Creating Periods (when they differ by grades) ====
 +Sometimes a school will have different period timings for different grades. For example, Grade ECE their sets of periods, Grade 1 to 5 has their sets of period times and grade 6 to 8 also have their own period times. The correct way to do this is to put all combination of periods as detailed in the screenshots below. DO NOT use the feature "Block/Rotation Day" for this use case.
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-school-settings-period-by-grade-1.png?nolink |}}
 +One by one create all the combination of periods of your school clearly identifying which grades it applies to (e.g. Period 1 (ECE) is the Period one times for the ECE students, etc.)
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-school-settings-period-by-grade-2.png?nolink |}}
 +It will end up looking something like this.
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-school-settings-period-by-grade-3.png?nolink |}}
 ==== Grade Levels (aka. Class Levels) ==== ==== Grade Levels (aka. Class Levels) ====
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 ===== Student Re-enroll ===== ===== Student Re-enroll =====
-The student Re-enrollment feature is used to enroll a student that was previously dropped. Sometimes, students drop out from school & re-enroll again into the school. When a student is dropped from the school, the system keeps that student's data as an inactive student. Since the typical process when a student comes to enroll or re-enroll in the school is to+There are two common use case for re-enrolling students: 
 +  * Re-enroll a student that dropped out of school (into the same school or maybe another school) 
 +  * Re-enroll a student that ends at a school (e.g. a primary school) and moves on to another school (e.g. a high school) 
 +Both cases will be discussed in following sub-sections. 
 +==== Student Re-enroll a dropout ==== 
 +Here the first case is discussed. Sometimes, students drop out from school & re-enroll again into the school. When a student is dropped from the school, the system keeps that student's data as an inactive student. Since the typical process when a student comes to enroll or re-enroll in the school is to
   - Go to ''Students -> Student Information'' and try to search if that student already has a record.   - Go to ''Students -> Student Information'' and try to search if that student already has a record.
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 {{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-add-student-re-enroll-6.jpg?nolink |}} {{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-add-student-re-enroll-6.jpg?nolink |}}
 +==== Student Re-enroll to another school ====
 +Here the second case is discussed. At the end of primary school, students typically move on to another school. Before a rollover, a common method is to set the "Rolling/Retention Options" for students to not enroll into the school after say grade 8 as detailed in Those students then become inactive students until picked up again by someone else, typically a high school. This is what this example will do. A high school will re-enroll a bunch of inactive students (graduated from elementary).
 +  - Go to ''Students -> Student Information'' and try to search for all the new students you expect coming into your school. Use the Advanced Search and .
 +  - If student that are coming fresh into your high school exists in the system already, you ''Re-enroll''. If you can find the student, ''Add Student''.
 +<note important>If student already exists in the system and you Add Student you will create a duplicate with past historical data in the previous student profile and the data from that moment in the duplicate student profile which is not ideal but things will still work.</note>
 +To re-enroll students that were set to not enroll again in their primary school you go to ''Students -> Re-enroll Student'' as shown below.
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-re-enroll-new-school-1.png?nolink |}}
 +Search for your expected students using the advanced search. Make sure you search with "Search All Schools" as shown below as students may be coming in from any school.
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-re-enroll-new-school-2.png?nolink |}}
 +Select the students that are coming to your school. Make sure you put the correct "School Name", "Enrollment Date", "Enrollment Code" and "Grade Level" as in the example below.
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-re-enroll-new-school-3.png?nolink |}}
 +Click on "Re-Enroll Selected Student" and you should see the success feedback below.
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-re-enroll-new-school-4.png?nolink |}}
 +Now if you go and checkout one of those newly re-enrolled students as shown below. You will notice that the enrollment history (and all other data) remains nicely associated with the same student account. And that is the advantage of re-enrolling an existing student versus created a new student account (a duplicate).
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-re-enroll-new-school-5.png?nolink |}}
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-re-enroll-new-school-6.png?nolink |}}
 +===== Student Setting Rolling/Retention Options =====
 +Another data that is important to understand well is the **Rolling/Retention Options** which is shown in two screenshots below for one student as an example. This is how to tell the system how the student is to progress into the next school year after a rollover. It is an operation that usually you will at the end of each school year.
 +The choices for the **Rolling/Retention Options** are explained below:
 +  * **Next grade at current school**: A typical promotion where a student moves on to the next grade (e.g. a student meeting all requirements goes from grade 1 to grade 2 in same school when rolling over). This is the most common and default option.
 +  * **Retain**: A student repeating would be retained in the same grade (e.g. a student in grade 1 repeating will remain in grade 1 in the same school after rollover)
 +  * **Do not enroll after this school year**: The student either does not promote or is set to move to another school (e.g. all grade 8 students from an elementary school going to another high school)
 +Now, setting this **Rolling/Retention Options** for each student in the school individually would take a long time. A better approach if to use the ''Group Assign Student Info'' feature as detailed in
 +The recommended approach is to do the following:
 +  * Group Assign Student Info to set all the graduating students to **Do not enroll after this school year**. For example, you could do a search in the Group Assign Student Info window for all Grade 8 students. Select them all and set the **Rolling/Retention Options** to **Do not enroll after this school year**.
 +  * Group Assign Student Info to set all the repeating students to **Retain**.
 ====== Courses ====== ====== Courses ======
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 {{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-course-catalogue-6.jpg?nolink |}} {{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-course-catalogue-6.jpg?nolink |}}
 +===== Course special use cases =====
 +Every now and then you may encounter special cases that require slightly different setup then mentioned in the above. They will be discussed in following course sections.
 +==== Two courses at the same time ====
 +Some schools combine two courses into the same period and classroom. For example, Reading and Writing are two different courses with each their grades and slot in a Student Report Card. But they are taught in the same period essentially together. In this case, you simply enable Allow Student Conflict and Allow Teacher Conflict as shown below for courses taught at the same time in the same place.
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-course-manager-conflicts-1.png?nolink |}}
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-course-manager-conflicts-2.png?nolink |}}
 +And then you would simply schedule students and teacher in both the courses just as you would normal ones.
Line 756: Line 844:
 ==== Individually Dropping ==== ==== Individually Dropping ====
 +If a single student needs to be dropped out of a course this can more naturally be done directly in the student's profile in ''Students -> Student Information'' by finding the student and opening the profile. Then click on the ''Course Schedule'' tab and locate the course to be dropped from. Click on the ''Edit'' icon.
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-individually-drop-students-1.png?nolink |}}
 +You will then be able to edit the ''End/Drop/Date'' and then click ''Update''.
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-individually-drop-students-2.png?nolink |}}
 +The dropped course will then disappear (though you could see the dropped record by clicking on ''Show DRopped Courses''.
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-individually-drop-students-3.png?nolink |}}
 ==== Group Dropping ==== ==== Group Dropping ====
Line 796: Line 896:
 ==== Individually Deleting ==== ==== Individually Deleting ====
 +If a single student needs to have a course completely removed (never started it and never should have been scheduled in the first place) this can more naturally be done directly in the student's profile in ''Students -> Student Information'' by finding the student and opening the profile. Then click on the ''Course Schedule'' tab and locate the course to be dropped from. Click on the ''Delete'' icon (i.e. Trash).
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-individually-delete-students-1.png?nolink |}}
 +You will then be prompt whether you are sure you want to delete this course.
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-individually-delete-students-2.png?nolink |}}
 +The deleted course will then disappear completed (even if you were to also shown dropped courses by clicking on ''Show Dropped Courses''.
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-individually-delete-students-3.png?nolink |}}
 ==== Group Deleting ==== ==== Group Deleting ====
Line 829: Line 941:
 If you need to re-assign teachers after the school year is under way and your whole catalog has already been created you can do so in ''School Setup -> Courses -> Teacher Re-Assignment''. For example, a teacher is transferred to another school, leaves the country or is otherwise no longer available and must be replaced by another. If you need to re-assign teachers after the school year is under way and your whole catalog has already been created you can do so in ''School Setup -> Courses -> Teacher Re-Assignment''. For example, a teacher is transferred to another school, leaves the country or is otherwise no longer available and must be replaced by another.
 +A quick look at the ''Schoolwide Schedule Report'' in ''Reports - Schedule'' we can view the scheduled teachers in their courses. In this example, teacher Bireen Test Francis is no longer able to teach course (Section) "Algebra I - Grade 8 - C1P1".
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-reassign-teacher-1.png?nolink |}}
 +You can do this easily by browsing to ''Scheduling -> Reassign Teacher''. You can then decide to find the teacher needing a reassignment or the courses the teacher is teacher.
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-reassign-teacher-2.png?nolink |}}
 +In this example, we look for the teacher. You can search by name if you remember or simply click on ''Search''. With the teacher chosen you can then select all the courses taught by that teacher if they are all to be reassigned to another teacher.
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-reassign-teacher-3.png?nolink |}}
 +Then select and find the new teacher that will replace the current one. Check availability will make sure the newly chosen teacher is available for those classes (i.e. not teacher anything else at those time).
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-reassign-teacher-5.png?nolink |}}
 +Once there are no conflicts detected you can to the reassignment.
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-reassign-teacher-6.png?nolink |}}
 +And it should return the following successful message if all went well.
 +{{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-reassign-teacher-7.png?nolink |}}
 ====== Attendance ====== ====== Attendance ======
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 {{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-rollover-1.jpg?nolink |}} {{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-rollover-1.jpg?nolink |}}
-<note warning>Before proceeding with the rollover make sure you have completed all your data entry for the current (soon to be previous) school year. Make sure all students have had their attendance and grades inputtedIf you did not enter all the data it is ok but you will no longer be able to go back to enter missing data.</note>+<note warning>Before proceeding with the rollover make sure you have completed all your data entry for the current (soon to be previous) school year. For this, pay close attention to the process outlined just below.</note> 
 +The typical work process to go through just before the rollover should be something like this: 
 +  - Make sure you have transferred out of school any student that has transferred to another school (within your country's own schools or internationally) as detailed in  
 +  - Make sure you have dropped out of school any student that has officially dropped as detailed in 
 +  - Make sure that all attendance have been entered for the whole school year as detailed in This should have been done already if the work has been done on time throughout the year.  
 +  - Make sure that all grades have been entered for the whole school year as detailed in This should have been done already if the work has been done on time throughout the year. 
 +  - Set the **Rolling/Retention Options** for all students as detailed in
-Go to ''Tools -> Rollover''. You will need to enter all the marking periods dates as shown below and then click ''Rollover''.+Finally, you can go through the actual rollover. Go to ''Tools -> Rollover''. You will need to enter all the marking periods dates as shown below and then click ''Rollover''.
 {{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-rollover-3.jpg?nolink |}} {{ :pacific-sis-user-guide:sis-rollover-3.jpg?nolink |}}
sis_user_manual.1685079802.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/26 05:43 by ghachey