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ftpt_fte_teacher_uis_notes [2021/08/17 02:56] – [Full-time Equivalent (FTE)] ghacheyftpt_fte_teacher_uis_notes [2021/08/17 02:57] (current) – [Missing grade data] ghachey
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 ===== Missing grade data ===== ===== Missing grade data =====
-We introduced the concept of 'Unspecified' teacher to deal with those situations where the survey records a teacher as teaching, but no grade level data is supplied. warehouse.TeacherLocation records these in field T=1, and provides a "best guess" ISCED SubClass in this case, which can be used in the UIS Reporting. Specifically, these teachers with T=1 record FTPT=1 and FTE=1 for the ISCEDSubClass recorded on warehouse.TeacherLocation.+We introduced the concept of 'Unspecified' teacher to deal with those situations where the survey records a teacher as teaching, but no grade level data is supplied. warehouse.TeacherLocation records these in field T=1, and provides a "best guess" ISCED SubClass in this case, which can be used in the UIS Reporting. Specifically, these teachers with T=1 record FTPT=1 and FTE=1 for the ISCEDSubClass recorded on warehouse.TeacherLocation. Their contribution to all ISCED levels is equally distributed.
 Example: tID=861 : T=1 to FTPT=1, FTE=1 for ISCEDSubclass ISCED 24. Example: tID=861 : T=1 to FTPT=1, FTE=1 for ISCEDSubclass ISCED 24.
ftpt_fte_teacher_uis_notes.1629168972.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/17 02:56 by ghachey