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excel_workbook_developer_guide [2022/02/18 18:45] – created ghacheyexcel_workbook_developer_guide [2024/06/18 01:27] (current) ghachey
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 This is the newest most comprehensive main data collection tool used as an annual school survey. It collects school's resources, student rosters, teaching/non-teaching staff, WASH data and can be extended to collect more. This is the newest most comprehensive main data collection tool used as an annual school survey. It collects school's resources, student rosters, teaching/non-teaching staff, WASH data and can be extended to collect more.
 +<note important>Only in use with country collecting granular rosters as part of the annual census. Currently includes FSM and RMI</note>
 ===== Workbook Connections and Names ===== ===== Workbook Connections and Names =====
excel_workbook_developer_guide.1645209903.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/18 18:45 by ghachey