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emis_public_rest_api [2023/10/30 14:57] – [Lookup Lists] ghacheyemis_public_rest_api [2023/10/30 14:58] (current) – [Lookup Lists (Vocab)] ghachey
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 <note tip>for example perhaps using the code table gives you additional ways of iterating over the standards or criteria.</note> <note tip>for example perhaps using the code table gives you additional ways of iterating over the standards or criteria.</note>
-===== Lookup Lists (Vocab) =====+==== Vocab lookup ====
 A special type of lookup you get when loading the app or starting to use the REST API is the "vocab". The vocab, short for vocabularies, is a means to localize the Pacific EMIS terminologies. Different countries have different terminologies, for example: A special type of lookup you get when loading the app or starting to use the REST API is the "vocab". The vocab, short for vocabularies, is a means to localize the Pacific EMIS terminologies. Different countries have different terminologies, for example:
emis_public_rest_api.1698677852.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/30 14:57 by ghachey