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emis_public_rest_api [2022/06/24 12:50] ghacheyemis_public_rest_api [2023/10/30 14:58] (current) – [Lookup Lists (Vocab)] ghachey
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 <note tip>for example perhaps using the code table gives you additional ways of iterating over the standards or criteria.</note> <note tip>for example perhaps using the code table gives you additional ways of iterating over the standards or criteria.</note>
 +==== Vocab lookup ====
 +A special type of lookup you get when loading the app or starting to use the REST API is the "vocab". The vocab, short for vocabularies, is a means to localize the Pacific EMIS terminologies. Different countries have different terminologies, for example:
 +  * Districts in FSM are States, in RMI they are Atolls/Islands and in Solomon Islands they are provinces, or
 +  * Grades vs Grade Levels vs Class Levels
 +While referred to differently in different countries, they are in essence the same things. So the Pacific EMIS uses one common term in the source code but in the UI it can easily be translated to the country's specific preferred terminology. For example, in the source code developers would work with "District" but in the web user interfaces the word District would translate to the country specific terminology (State in FSM, Atoll/Island in RMI, etc.). In the current web UI, this is achieve through the use of simple dynamic filters in the HTML. Any technique can be used. The important thing to know are the list of vocabs in use for a specific country which are available in the lookups' vocab object as shown below.
 +{{ :rest-api:rest-api-vocab-1.png?nolink |}}
 ===== Entity Lists ===== ===== Entity Lists =====
emis_public_rest_api.1656075034.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/06/24 12:50 by ghachey